Jumper T8SG builds

21 Dec 2017 19:49 - 21 Dec 2017 19:50 #66564 by Bluedragon76
Replied by Bluedragon76 on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Prior to flashing I had timer1 triggered by a throttle on switch (switch c1). I used the switch to arm throttle and start timer1 to calculate flight time. After flashing the latest T8SG firmware (2017-12-18) the timer does not start. I I tried other timers (timer2 & timer3) and different activation methods without any luck.
Last edit: 21 Dec 2017 19:50 by Bluedragon76.

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21 Dec 2017 19:59 #66565 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Have you always used the C1 as the switch or have you tried with an other switch as well?
Can you confirm on the input monitor, that C1 is working?

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21 Dec 2017 20:31 #66566 by Bluedragon76
Replied by Bluedragon76 on topic Jumper T8SG builds
I did some testing with a new model. On the new model I am only allowed to use AUX4 to start and reset any timer. Before I was able to use any switch. When I try to change the start or reset from AUX4 it replaces back to AUX4.

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21 Dec 2017 22:35 #66567 by Bluedragon76
Replied by Bluedragon76 on topic Jumper T8SG builds
I am able to use a switch to start but have to assign AUX4 as the reset in order for timer to operate

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22 Dec 2017 00:41 #66568 by Iroquois
Replied by Iroquois on topic Jumper T8SG builds
This is what happens when you meddle with a perfectly good product.

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22 Dec 2017 08:50 #66569 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Now that was a really unnecessary comment.
Would you want to get similar responses when you get into trouble?

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22 Dec 2017 08:59 - 22 Dec 2017 09:01 #66570 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Check your hardware.ini, probably it damaged. Try to replace it from firmware archive.

If it doesn't help, try to do clean install, with USB drive formatting.
Last edit: 22 Dec 2017 09:01 by vlad_vy.

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22 Dec 2017 09:07 #66571 by Iroquois
Replied by Iroquois on topic Jumper T8SG builds
FDR, You get a great response from this community when you are in trouble. In this case, the 'trouble' is caused by Jumper listening to this forum instead of ploughing their own furrow.

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22 Dec 2017 09:14 #66572 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Probably because they use this firmware, and not their own...

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22 Dec 2017 09:32 #66573 by Iroquois
Replied by Iroquois on topic Jumper T8SG builds
FDR, Exactly.

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10 Jan 2018 20:29 #66819 by han04
Replied by han04 on topic Jumper T8SG builds
i have same problem RUD AIL reverse direction hoow to fix ?

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11 Jan 2018 03:46 #66834 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
What firmware version?

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11 Jan 2018 05:20 #66837 by han04
Replied by han04 on topic Jumper T8SG builds

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11 Jan 2018 05:29 - 11 Jan 2018 05:30 #66838 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Your firmware build always has common RUD and AIL direction for Deviation. It changed from 2017-09-22. You can flash latest Nightly Build and I think that nothing changed. You need correct RUD and AIL direction for your existing models.
Last edit: 11 Jan 2018 05:30 by vlad_vy.

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11 Jan 2018 05:34 #66839 by han04
Replied by han04 on topic Jumper T8SG builds
We have upgrade last firmware to fix my problem , or i just reverse aileron and rudder from mixxer ?

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11 Jan 2018 05:53 #66840 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Anyway I recommend update to latest Nightly Build, it has other T8SG related fixes. But, I think you will need reverse RUD and AIL for your existing models, at channel properties or at mixers.

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25 Jan 2018 04:37 #67141 by Vino
Replied by Vino on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Hey guys, my apologies if this is in the wrong discussion forum

I just got my Jumper in today, bound them to my E011 and FQ777 but I'm getting no aileron control. Yaw, throttle, pitch is fine, just not aileron. The deviation firmware is stock at the moment (10/11/2017).

I was trying to avoid updating the firmware unless I had specific issues but now I do. So I'm not sure if I can reset the Jumper to factory settings? Or if there's something within the deviation software that I can change? My mixer settings are still "1 -Ail, 2-Eli, 3-THR, 4-RUD".

again, my apologies if there's a better place for this topic and thank you in advance for any help with this. A bit bummed I can't fly with it yet.

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25 Jan 2018 05:08 - 25 Jan 2018 05:09 #67142 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
Check if AIL work at "Channel monitor", page 2 - "Stick input". (Transmitter menu->Channel monitor).
Last edit: 25 Jan 2018 05:09 by vlad_vy.

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25 Jan 2018 05:21 #67143 by Vino
Replied by Vino on topic Jumper T8SG builds

vlad_vy wrote: Check if AIL work at "Channel monitor", page 2 - "Stick input". (Transmitter menu->Channel monitor).

Yeah, the Ail stays at "0" with any stick movement in the channel monitor. All the other channels seem to be working properly from what I can tell.

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25 Jan 2018 06:20 #67144 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Jumper T8SG builds
It can be improper calibration (don't forget calibrate knobs along with sticks) or AIL pot connection to mainboard problem.

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