How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

29 May 2016 17:23 #49511 by jbewley
I am using standard GUI to make a program for the Blade nCPs. Everything works, but it is always in "agility" mode. How do I set up SAFE mode??

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29 May 2016 18:04 #49515 by D_an_W
Replied by D_an_W on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
What controller do you have, the 7E Model.ini file I have been editing over the last couple of days seems to work ok?

*** Walkera Devo 10 * 4-in-1 Module * Deviation v5 *** *** Walkera Devo 7E * A7105 Module * 2x 3 Way Switches * Power Mod * Deviation v5 ***

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29 May 2016 19:29 #49522 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
I have the Devo 10. When I bind it, the nCPs remains in agility mode (red) light. I want stability mode (blue) light.

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30 May 2016 01:13 #49535 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
I understand that this site is loaded with really smart people, who only use the advanced GUI and have no pity for those of us who want to use the standard GUI, but what is the point of even having standard, if nobody will help us use it????

Come on gang. How about an answer here.


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30 May 2016 05:30 - 30 May 2016 05:33 #49538 by D_an_W
Replied by D_an_W on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
I will attach the ini I use with a modified 7E (2x 3 way switches), if you replace the names of these switches (HOLD* / SW A* / SW B* / FMODE*) with the correct names of those in the Devo 10 I can't see why it wouldn't work for you.

Left Hand 2 way toggle switch = Throttle Hold Off & On
Left Hand 3 way toggle switch = Low Rate / Medium Rate / High Rate
Right Hand 3 way toggle switch = Stability Mode / Agility Mode / 3D Mode
Right Hand 2 way toggle switch = SAFE Mode Off & On

I have also included the bmp files I use (I modified the Toggle3.bmp for use with my equipment).

File Attachment:

File Name: Model8.ini
File Size:2 KB

*** Walkera Devo 10 * 4-in-1 Module * Deviation v5 *** *** Walkera Devo 7E * A7105 Module * 2x 3 Way Switches * Power Mod * Deviation v5 ***
Last edit: 30 May 2016 05:33 by D_an_W.

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30 May 2016 08:17 #49545 by vmsda
Replied by vmsda on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

jbewley wrote: I understand that this site is loaded with really smart people, who only use the advanced GUI and have no pity for those of us who want to use the standard GUI, but what is the point of even having standard, if nobody will help us use it????
Come on gang. How about an answer here.

I think that the Std GUI has been dropped due to storage constraints as from release 5.0.0. So those of us who find the Advanced heavy going will have to toil a bit harder; which I accept given the scarcity of resources that the DeviationTx developers face.

PS. The DeviationTx solution is very appealing to us beginners because it eases the part of the learning curve concerned with equipment choice and support. But the way its development and management have had to evolve entails techniques and solutions which are difficult for beginners to grapple with. This contradiction is not being addressed, judging from the little I have read about future plans ... But, hey, I am way out of the thread's bounds! (Shut up!)

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30 May 2016 09:08 #49548 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

You just need to find a proper way to setup channel CH5/GEAR and have a 3-way switch select +100, 0, -100.
I can check later....

The Nano CPS does not use any tail gyro gain on CH5 (like 230s), right?
So you could use the gyro gain menu, assign it to CH5/GEAR channel and have a switch like f-mode properly select between +100, 0, -100 channel values.

I first would have to boot up my Devo10 and try around to see if there are more switch<->channel assignments possible in any heli standard menu besides gyro gain...I can't throw it out of my hand...migrated FBL and flybar models to advanced GUI long time ago...

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30 May 2016 10:52 #49554 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
Thank you all.I will play around with your suggestions a see what I can come up with. It seems to all hinge around the "GEAR" assignment.


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30 May 2016 11:30 #49555 by mwm

jbewley wrote: I am using standard GUI to make a program for the Blade nCPs. Everything works, but it is always in "agility" mode. How do I set up SAFE mode??

You really shouldn't be using the standard GUI for that heli. It's intended for flybar'ed CP helis, and so includes settings that you don't need but have to get right anyway, and is missing features newer models need, like the ability to set flight modes. You might be able to get the gyroscope settings to let you use two flight but modes, but that's about it.

There are people willing to help you use the standard GUI - if you want to set up a flybar'ed CP heli. For anything else, it's more trouble than it's worth. I've advocated dropping it more than once because more people get into trouble using it when they shouldn't than use it when they should.

The problem is that nobody has really worked on it since it was written, which is when those helis were common. If we were a commercial operation, we could just pay someone to update it for modern helis, multirotor, etc. But we're a volunteer organization, so we need someone who wants to work on it. Personally I'd rather work on voice alerts and cleaning up the telemetry test page and things I actually use...

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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30 May 2016 12:36 #49558 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

mwm wrote:

jbewley wrote: I am using standard GUI to make a program for the Blade nCPs. Everything works, but it is always in "agility" mode. How do I set up SAFE mode??

You really shouldn't be using the standard GUI for that heli. It's intended for flybar'ed CP helis, and so includes settings that you don't need but have to get right anyway, and is missing features newer models need, like the ability to set flight modes. You might be able to get the gyroscope settings to let you use two flight but modes, but that's about it.

There are people willing to help you use the standard GUI - if you want to set up a flybar'ed CP heli. For anything else, it's more trouble than it's worth. I've advocated dropping it more than once because more people get into trouble using it when they shouldn't than use it when they should.

The problem is that nobody has really worked on it since it was written, which is when those helis were common. If we were a commercial operation, we could just pay someone to update it for modern helis, multirotor, etc. But we're a volunteer organization, so we need someone who wants to work on it. Personally I'd rather work on voice alerts and cleaning up the telemetry test page and things I actually use...

Thank you. Now I understand and will not mess with it anymore. I was only using it, because it was understandable, where the advance GUi is "greek" to me. I also understand the "volunteer" thing, so thanks for all the work you all have done.


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31 May 2016 10:34 #49622 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

mwm wrote:

jbewley wrote: I am using standard GUI to make a program for the Blade nCPs. Everything works, but it is always in "agility" mode. How do I set up SAFE mode??

You really shouldn't be using the standard GUI for that heli. It's intended for flybar'ed CP helis, and so includes settings that you don't need but have to get right anyway, and is missing features newer models need, like the ability to set flight modes. You might be able to get the gyroscope settings to let you use two flight but modes, but that's about it.

Do you remember Mike our discussion on 1-2 older threads about heli / FBL and standard GUI?
Well, I don't have those threads at hand right now...

Yes you can of course use the standard GUI on FBL too.
It's fine.
Just leave the CCPM mix setting set to NONE (default).

The standard GUI IMHO just looks like Spektrum Airware 0815 menus (DX8 V1 upwards).

Mike is right on the fact that not all more advanced features, which are available in latest Spektrum Airware, made it into the standard GUI.

Some stuff like f-mode / hold switch setup may be supported (can't remember right now without testing / re-reading manual).
Others for FBL bank / SAFE switching on a free switch may not.

I personally would advise to setup the heli in the standard GUI mode (by reading Spektrum transmitter Airware manual) and convert to advanced GUI laters to get you a little bit started.
You just need to change the standard<->advanced GUI setting in model setup.
It won't erase your existing / configured model.
This is the way how I jumped onto the advanced GUI programming...

The other route is to download an existing model.ini for the NanoCPS and try to understand what others programmed into...

The are more routes than one to Rom, especially for FBL heli programming.

e.g Personally I am perfectly fine with the advanced GUI programming and loading the 6ch advanced heli template.
I just use the Virt1-3 COL/CYC pre-setup mixers. It's so easy as all D/R expo mixers are there already.
Programming steps are and heli setup are more understandable if you do it yourself...just my opinion.


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31 May 2016 10:53 - 31 May 2016 10:54 #49623 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
Thanks for the advice Thomas. I'll keep playing around with it all.

I did get the nCPs to bind, and everything worked, EXCEPT, the aileron/elevators are reversed. Tried reversing them on the TX, but it had no effect. Not sure what is up with that.
Last edit: 31 May 2016 10:54 by jbewley. Reason: spellig

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31 May 2016 11:31 #49629 by mwm

Thomas.Heiss wrote: Do you remember Mike our discussion on 1-2 older threads about heli / FBL and standard GUI?
Well, I don't have those threads at hand right now...

Yes you can of course use the standard GUI on FBL too.
It's fine.
Just leave the CCPM mix setting set to NONE (default).

Yes, I remember. And of course you can use the standard GUI with an FBL heli. You can also use it with a multirotor. Or an airplane. That doesn't mean it's a good idea. It does work OK for simple FBL CP helis. That you eventually get to the point where jbewley did and have to convert to the advanced GUI and then deal with one of the most confusing common tasks with no prior experience is enough to keep me from recommending that, though.

What would be nice would be a setup guide for a modern CP heli using the advanced GUI, but I don't think I'm the person to write it.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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31 May 2016 11:49 - 31 May 2016 12:06 #49631 by Thomas.Heiss
Replied by Thomas.Heiss on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI

jbewley wrote: I did get the nCPs to bind, and everything worked, EXCEPT, the aileron/elevators are reversed. Tried reversing them on the TX, but it had no effect. Not sure what is up with that.

Well yes Jim, then you run into the known ELEV/AIL <-> Cyclic1/2 bug on the standard GUI:

It may have worked before with FBL on standard GUI but right now (there may have been nightly-build template changes by Hexfet - sorry I lost a bit the overview because of back and forth commits) may be optimized for flybar CCPM 120 where they (Cyclic1+Cyclic2) have to be swapped because of the current heli mixer C code.
I could never re-test with simple GUI nor am I on the latest nightly-build / release 5.0.

This is why Mike suggested as a very good reason to N O T use the standard GUI, as the Virtual1-3/Cyclic1-3 pre-setup mixers (you would not need for FBL) are originally meant for flybar CCPM 120 and any later template changes in nightly-build/release 5.0 could mean that the one heli thing compatible for is not necessarily compatible with the other heli type.

Neither are the templates nor the current C mixer code ready for all supporting heli types - but works on advanced heli GUI because you can directly change channel assignment.

First I need to get my helis rebuilt in next couple of months / weeks to do any future heli tests including standard mixer GUI.

I still have some important DSMx protocol range tests + Indigos DSMx test-build on my TODO list with my little older fine-working nightly-build (pre 5.0 release) before migrating to the latest (including DSM code changes again) and testing new model.ini / firmware heli functionality...
Last edit: 31 May 2016 12:06 by Thomas.Heiss.

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31 May 2016 11:55 #49633 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
Mike, that is exactly where my problem is with the advanced GUI. I have read and reread the manual, but there are terms in there that just mean "nothing" to me. A step by step tutorial for a basic set up would be wonderful. I'm certain I could do it, once I had the basic concept down.

Perhaps you could do a video.


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31 May 2016 14:03 #49650 by FDR
There is a tutorial on the subject:

...and Mike's writing can shed some light on it too:

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31 May 2016 18:45 #49666 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
Thomas, Mike and FDR, I can not thank you enough. I have saved and printed all of the links and will start to study. this is just what I needed.


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31 May 2016 20:31 #49680 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
I did as Thomas suggested and switched to "advanced" GUI. Everything was still there. Knowing what I had entered everything in
"standard", seeing where it turned up in the "advanced" really helped explain things.

I then changed cyclic 1 & 2 and now the servos are going in the direction they should.

This thread has me on the way to actually programing my Devo 10. B)


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01 Jun 2016 18:09 - 01 Jun 2016 18:15 #49769 by jbewley
Replied by jbewley on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
I think I have everything where it belongs, but when I hit IU I have throttle, aileron, elevator, but NO COLLECTIVE. Notngmoves at all, even though I have a pitch curve set up.

What does CYC mean??

Last edit: 01 Jun 2016 18:15 by jbewley.

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01 Jun 2016 18:20 #49770 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic How To Set Up SAFE Mode Using Standard GUI
cyc stands for cyclic, as in collective cyclic pitch mixing/ccpm. if you post your ini I'll have a look as you will most likely not have setup a pitch curve for throttle hold if using the std gui

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