Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???

15 Jun 2016 15:23 #50658 by misherman
I have just finished my multimodule on the 7E. It was a tight fit with 3 modules (NRF, A7105, cc2500) and a replacement CYRF (for full power).
Saying that to admit I had to squeeze a little to get the radio screwed shut (in case that could cause this problem).

Also admitting that these mods (including 2 3-way switches) took me months of changing plans, waiting for parts, repeat, repeat, repeat!
So I don't remember much of the little I learned about deviation before starting the mods (yes noob to all this). The only model I had with the stock protocols was a borrowed Blade Nano QX 3d. I played with trying to eliminate the throttle range below 0 to get rid of inverted flying, but gave up and started mods.

Good news - the radio doesn't give me any missing module errors on startup, and all the protocols are un-starred. Also seems to bind to Symax and Bayang protocols that I have tried.
Bad news - the throttle (ch3) Mixer Output goes from 0 at full forward (left stick pushed all the way up) to 2 at full backward (all the way down). Get the same reading on Stick Input screen. And it seems to vary a few numbers either way.

However, if I push the rudder (ch4) horizontally full right, the rudder reads -100, and the throttle reads +100. With rudder full left, I get rudder at +100 and throttle at -100. I am able to get my quads up in the air using this sideways throttle action, but clearly not flyable.

I have calibrated the tx sticks and I'm using default simple mixes.

Need some help, any suggestions very welcome! Thx.

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15 Jun 2016 21:17 #50668 by mwm
Could you be getting an inverse rudder reading for the throttle in all positions? So that as you move the throttle up/down, you're also getting a little rudder motion (assuming you're in Mode 2), which is why it goes from 0 to 2?

You've already checked the stick input once, but do that for all the checks to insure that your mixer isn't part of the problem. So check the output a bit more carefully for that throttle/rudder mixup. If that's the case, check to see if the throttle controls the rudder, as it would mean you've got the connectors plugged into the wrong place. If that's not the case, then it's time to start checking for shorts.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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16 Jun 2016 03:01 #50678 by Deal57
Any chance you might have plugged the rudder gimbal pot connector into the throttle socket? I think they are both pretty close to each other...but I don't have any photos handy to check it that's possible. Just a thought.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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16 Jun 2016 05:30 #50682 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???

mwm wrote: Could you be getting an inverse rudder reading for the throttle in all positions? So that as you move the throttle up/down, you're also getting a little rudder motion (assuming you're in Mode 2), which is why it goes from 0 to 2?

You've already checked the stick input once, but do that for all the checks to insure that your mixer isn't part of the problem. So check the output a bit more carefully for that throttle/rudder mixup. If that's the case, check to see if the throttle controls the rudder, as it would mean you've got the connectors plugged into the wrong place. If that's not the case, then it's time to start checking for shorts.

Thanks for responding, Mike. Here is a more careful test of the Stick Input (same thing happens on the Mixer Output). I hope this is what you suggested.
If I move CH 1 (roll/AIL) all the way left (+100) or right (-100) no other channel is affected.
If I move CH 2 (pitch/ELE) all the way forward (+100) or all the way backward (-100) no other channel is affected.
If I move CH 3 (THR) all the way forward or backward is stays around 0 (+/-2) and no other channel is affected (incl CH 4).
If I move CH 4 (RUD) left, at +50 (halfway) the THR has moved linearly to -100 and it stays at -100 as CH 4 goes to +100 when fully to the left.
If I move CH 4 (RUD right, at -10, the THR moves linearly to +100, then with RUD at -11, THR jumps to -50, then RUD at -30 has THR at 0, then RUD at -40 has THR at +100, and THR stays at +100 as RUD continues to -100 (far right).

When the THR responds to the RUD movement, it is not immediate. It changes almost like someone was clicking the trims, and you see the numbers moving as the little graphic detent moves. From full left RUD (-100) and THR at +100, releasing the RUD to 0, it takes the THR about 5 seconds to get to 0.

I looked at the model11.ini and I'm wondering if the CH and trims are supposed to be consistent. In other words, if Ch 3 is THR, should Trim 3 be Left_V ? It isn't - It's LEFT_H, which is RUD??. The only one consistent is CH 2 (ELE) if that matters. There are also some V-trim and H-trim parameters in the gui section that I don't understand (2 of each). Will attach file.

Again, appreciate the help. Hope you can see something in this that looks wrong. I really don't want to get back into the radio.

If the connectors you and Deal57 mentioned are plugs somewhere, I didn't unplug anything but the 2 connectors needed to separate the 2 halves of the radio. I think they only plug in one way. If the connections are on the MM or modules or 7E PCB, then I could have done that wrong.

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16 Jun 2016 16:22 #50698 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Thanks for the response. I don't think so - I didn't unplug anything already plugged inside the 7E for the MM. (Except the 2 plugs holding the radio together). Just connected the 3 modules to the MM, then the MM and the new CYRF to the 7E pcb. See reply to mwm. Sure seems like a program has wires crossed somewhere.

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16 Jun 2016 17:54 #50703 by Deal57
Yeah, it wasn't a very good thought :S But undaunted I shall try again! Do you feel any resistance to your movement of the stick? I'm wondering if there might be a wire snagged on the gimbal? Your description seems to imply that the voltage on the signal wire for the throttle (yellow, in the connector labeled ELEV next to RUDD) might somehow be shorted to the RUDD signal wire, but given the inconsistent output it kinda feels unlikely.

Since you are using default simple mixes, it really doesn't sound like it is something you're doing. Have you tried reloading Deviation and formatting the USB during the load? Usually if the file system is corrupted, Devo won't load, but maybe there is just one or two files with issues?

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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16 Jun 2016 19:03 #50705 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
No, I haven't reloaded deviation, but I was thinking about going to 5.0 anyway, so I will do that now.
I did have an antenna wire extension close to the throttle gimbal, but think I had it secure with a little hot glue - I will check that if I have to open up the radio next.

Is the yellow throttle wire you referred to in a picture or inside the tx? The throttle output is very consistent when I move the rudder left or right - exactly the same values every time (for left or right as I described above).

Thx for suggestions.

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16 Jun 2016 20:46 #50707 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
OK. I have reloaded deviation (upgraded to 5.0), although I didn't see an option to format the USB???
Now on startup I get - Missing Modules: MultiMod, then protocol mismatch: 0801fc6c 0801fc10.
After I say Ok to both of those, I'm right back where I was before. Little to no response to throttle, but full range on THR via the RUD.

Unless someone has a better idea, I think I'll open the tx back up and see if I see something obviously wrong.

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16 Jun 2016 21:33 #50711 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
you need to copy across the protocols folder from the 5.0 download to the tx's usb drive, also you didn't manage to melt the rudder and throttle wiring while soldering in your modules did you? i only ask as you said you didn't remove the main board from the tx when soldering them in, and this might explain your issues

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16 Jun 2016 21:52 #50713 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Opened up the radio - I don't recognize anything obviously broken, but it may be there (hardware not my skill).
So I poked around with my continuity tester and get a short beep between any combo of black and red contacts on the gimbals on each side. (THR and RUD reads .796, AIL and ELE gets .336). It's not continuous and I don't get it if I double tap one contact, but if I lift both off and put them back I get it.

So, assuming I haven't got 4 shorts, but one that affects all of these, is there someplace specific I should be looking (on the PCB?)?

I had 2 problems on the pcb during this marathon. One I posted here: and that one seemed to be resolved. You can see the glop of glue on the tiny wire I used to repair a broken trace just left of the big empty hole where the stock CYRF was.The other was I lost the 5V tab (pin 6) under the stock CYRF and so used the "other" 5V recommended spot:

Thanks again for the support.

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16 Jun 2016 22:05 #50714 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???

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16 Jun 2016 22:09 #50715 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Thank you for the protocols answer. No I don't see any melted wires. Not sure if my continuity testing above helps, but if it indicates a problem, it is on both wiring sets on both gimbals. Even I was more careful with the iron than that. LOL!

Although I don't understand why I see a problem with the THR/RUD pair and not the AIL/ELE pair?

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16 Jun 2016 22:36 #50716 by Deal57
The pots give you varying resistance depending on their position. Black is ground and red is Vcc, and yellow is the wiper, which varies the voltage from 0 to Vcc as you move it up. The resistance between black to red you're getting is pretty much what we expect measuring in-circuit.

The next check is to see if this behavior moves. You might be able to swap the two gimbal connectors and see if it moves. That would point to a problem with the pots. If it stays the same, it may indicate a problem with a board component.

Double check the board for any stray solder drops... If it's a board problem that's the first thing I check.

Deviation Devo7e 3way switch mod, A7105, NRF24L01
Devo6s 2x2 switch mod, trim mod, haptic, multimodule, A7105, NRF24L01, CC2500
Devo12e 4-in-1 with voice mod -- it speaks!!

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16 Jun 2016 22:37 #50717 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
BTW the 2 errors - Multimod missing and protocol mismatch have disappeared after copying in the 5.0 protocols folder.
Thank you HH!

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16 Jun 2016 22:51 #50722 by mwm
Well, you've got more competent help now, but I did take a look at the model.ini file, and it looks fine.

Personally, I think you're lucky all you got was missing module errors when trying to run with the wrong protocol files.

Do not ask me questions via PM. Ask in the forums, where I'll answer if I can.

My remotely piloted vehicle ("drone") is a yacht.

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16 Jun 2016 22:57 #50723 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Great! I don't have 4 problems, back to one.
I swapped the THR and AIL - no change. (turns out the THR and RUD are not on the same side as I earlier stated).
I've checked for solder on the board and don't see anything. Of course most all the soldering points have been covered with hot glue!
Try to post picture again...

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16 Jun 2016 23:05 #50725 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Thanks, Mike. Not really getting that "lucky" feeling yet!

Come on damn picture!


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17 Jun 2016 02:56 #50734 by misherman
Replied by misherman on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
@Deal57 et al

I checked for continuity on every board as I soldered it, then glued it. I guess squeezing the tx a little to close it could have moved something, so I'll take it all out and do another check.

Before I start ungluing and desoldering, is there any particular module or board or area on a board you would be more likely to suspect for this crossed signal on the THR and RUD? Or any suggestion on debugging process or what order to take things apart?

If not I will start with the cc2500 (in yellow shrink on top), then the CYRF, then whichever of the last 2 I can get to easier (order based on number of quads I have to fly for each module).

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17 Jun 2016 08:55 #50736 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
personally i'd verify I used the correct pins for the 3x2 switches, and that they aren't shorting or bridging other pins before pulling modules etc

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17 Jun 2016 12:23 #50747 by 944storm
Replied by 944storm on topic Throttle only responds to rudder movement ???
Did you try testing the TX with the additional modules before squeezing the case closed? Try it with the case open and wiggle the wires associated to the rudder and throttle gimbals. Then wiggles other wires in the area to see if that changes the behavior.

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