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Flysky Vario Support
- hexfet
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- ballbear
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I made another action. The FS-CAT01 is using Bosch pressure and temperature sensor BMP180.
I yesterday ordered those sensors and when they arrive, I will change one in the altitude sensor.
And we will see what happens ...
Datasheet is in the attachement.
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- hexfet
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- ballbear
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operation done. It was much more difficult as expected ...
It was clever decision to order three pieces . The first one was destroied by desoldering from its PCB ( they came ready for using with Arduino ).
But the second one is installed and it looks not bad.
Displayed Altitude about 80 meters, and oscilating about half to one meter. Moving it upstairs displays increasing and moving back downstairs the altitude decreased to original level.
I made datalog, is in attachement.
I am going to make second test, with the voltage sensor connected on the bus also.
What would be nice:
To have the possibility to set the displayed altitude to zero and see on the display the height over the ground.
Or to be able to set the right altitude, like you do it on suunto watches - setting the reference altitude
version is 976608.
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- ballbear
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In the datalog should be starting the receiver with both sensors connected, it shows about 5m less, therefore I tried to diconnect the voltage sensor, but the altitude didn´t rise to the previous level from first test ...
I aded to the datalog also voltage V1 and V2.
Now I am very curious about your replay

Regards Pavel
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- hexfet
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- Posts: 1907
I uploaded a new test build ( 63f38ec . This has the standard AGL altitude display restored. You can re-zero the altitude with a long press on the UP button.
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- ballbear
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The long press UP taste should I make in basic screen?
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- ballbear
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looks less stable?
What is the Telemetry out option in AFHDS2A protocol?
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- hexfet
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- Posts: 1907
When the telemetry out option is enabled the received telemetry data will be sent out the trainer port at 57,600bps. I'd put this code in for debugging but we never used it since the datalog is working.
I had to change the altitude calculation to reduce memory footprint. The new code reports altitude in about .25m increments where the old was .50m, which does make the data look noisier. Not so sure about the slower change from about 2m up to 9m then back to about 4m. But I think the code is reporting the telemetry it receives.
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- ballbear
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Keeping in mind the datasheet, I think that the accuracy of the Bosch sensor is not so high ... I read some discussions and the temperature sensor has a bit high fluctuation ....
Theoretically we could calculate vertical speed also, what could be usefull for sailplanes, but the precision of the sensor could be the problem.
Anyway, chapeau for excelent job !
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- ballbear
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Keeping in mind the datasheet, I think that the accuracy of the Bosch sensor is not so high ... I read some discussions and the temperature sensor has a bit high fluctuation ....
Theoretically we could calculate vertical speed also, what could be usefull for sailplanes, but the precision of the sensor could be the problem.
Anyway, chapeau for excelent job !
One note to the slow change from 2 m to 9m and back ...The sensor was on the desk at beginning, after some time a Take it and went upstairs to the next stock and there I lift it in my hand to the ceiling for some seconds and than I went back downstairs and put the sensor back on the desk ... I expected the displayed altitude would be about 2m again ... THe difference was 4,5m
I think it could be usefull to have the possibility, to set up the displayed output - if it will be with or without decimal numbers.
For example I am flying fixed wing biplane, Stearmen PT17 and for that the altitude rounded to whole meters would be fine ...
Have a nice day
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- ballbear
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- hexfet
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The datasheet lists the relative accuracy as +/- 1m. I think that means if the sensor is exposed to same pressure at two different times the readings could be up to 2m different. It will probably be a better user experience to just round to whole numbers. What do you think?
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- ballbear
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- Posts: 66
I agree with you. It is what I tried to write

For me it is enough to know the altitude in whole meters, for landing it is not useful in any case.
For example we have on our club airport the highest flying level set by the authorities and it is good to know, how high I am flying ...
So from my point of view whole numbers are OK.
Another thing is to switch to another BOSCH sensor, BMP280 or the next one, but it is not so simple, I think ....
I am satisfied with the job you did

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- ballbear
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Now it will be necessary to wait for the weather

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- hexfet
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I'll go ahead and merge the PR with these changes. I'll publish a new build from master soon - have another CRSF change coming.
Thanks for the testing!
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- ballbear
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I will make a short report after testing in air.
The last TestBuild is now installed.
Have a nice time
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- ballbear
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I made the datalog, I hope its OK, while it was windy and didn´t observe the display at all, it is a pitty...
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- hexfet
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- Posts: 1907
The rate was set to record every 5 seconds? There are 70 entries in the datalog which would be about 5 minutes of recordings.
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- ballbear
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- Posts: 66
I set the interval to 5 second to cover the flight time expected 5-6 minutes.
I forget to set the altitude to zero, this 72m was there at the start ....
I will check the sensor and when the weather would be better, i will make next test.
PS: One idea - is there a chance save the maximal altitude reached during flight ?
Have a nice Christmas
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