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including custom-switch support in Deviation
- Shanman3us
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The new format is as follows:
2X2 = two 2 position switches
3X1 = one 3 position switch
3X2 = two 3 position switches
The above is based on message #18891 by PhracturedBlue above...
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- robca
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meanwhile, here is some more info www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=27267888&postcount=551 on the 3-way mod
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- SeByDocKy
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I guess the best option is to perform the 3x2 mod....
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- HappyHarry
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PhracturedBlue wrote: Ok, I just checked in new code that will hopefully get your switches working.
Note. there is a big change here.
I have created a new file 'hardware.ini' that contains all of the hardware modifications. the transmitter will not overwrite this file.
You need to move the switch settings and module settings to this file, otherwise they will not work.
There is an example version included, but also note that I changed the name of the switch parameter.
The parameter is now:(also allowed are 3x2 and 2x2)extra_switches=3x1
just built it just now, will get tot testing it soon. also the diodes were there as i always planned to go to 2 x 3way, so everything was done in preparation for that, and as it worked with the existing 1 x 3way patch i thought it was expected.
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- HappyHarry
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- blackmoon
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EDIT: just tested it the 1x3way switch (+diodes) is recognized as SW A, but in position :
0 (all way up, from the stick) SW A0 = -100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = 100,
1 (middle) SW A0 = +100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = +100,
2 (all way down) SW A0 = +100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = -100.
SW A1 never changes value, and value is not consistent with other switches i.e. if position 0 = 100 etc...
I had before, position :
0 Fmode0 = 100 Fmode1 = -100 Fmode2 = -100
And changing accordingly with switch position.
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- PhracturedBlue
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I got the up/down directions backwards. For some reason I was thinking down was 0 and up was 2, but it should be reversed. So I'll fix that.
I see the issue with the 3x1 SW_A1 as well, but I'm a bit confused. I just checked in an update that may help, but I'm not 100% convinced. It really depends on how the switch is installed.
Also, of course IMBack! is right. the diodes are needed even in the 2x2 or 3x1 cases, otherwise they mask the buttons in those rows.
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- HappyHarry
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when looking at the channel monitor
switch pos 0 (up)
SW A0 = -100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = +100
switch pos 1 (middle)
SW A0 = +100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = +100
switch pos 2 (down)
SW A0 = +100 SW A1 = -100 SW A2 = -100
which is the reverse of what it was before with the 3 way patch, but this is easly changed by turning the switch.
but although it shows correctly in the channel monitor it isn't working correctly in operation, if i set my fmode to be controlled by SW A it is only reacting to two positions not three, as in if i sent my throttle curves to this
normal = -100 for all
idle up 1 = 0 for all
idle up 2 = +100 for all
and flick through the switch positions
position 0 gives me +100 (should be -100)
position 1 gives me +100 (should be 0)
position 2 gives me -100 (should be +100)
as i said the reversing is easily fixed but not reading the change to position 1 isn't correct.
also in the timers page you can't change the switch for the timer trigger, it is stuck on channel 3, no matter what type of timer you choose.
pb do you want to continue to receive reports here or will i post bugs on bb?
sorry pb, you posted as i was writing this post, i'll go build the new commit and report back
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- PhracturedBlue
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- HappyHarry
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the problem with timer channel selection still exists
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- PhracturedBlue
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The 'Ch3' thing on the timer is on purpose. when you use the standard mixer, you cannot control the switch used for the timers. I believe it has always been like that. I don't recall why...I didn't write that code. If you use the advanced mixer, you can select the switch.
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- HappyHarry
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re the switch for the timers in the standard mixer, you used to be able to switch between the current throttle channel (ch1 or ch3 depending on protocol) or 'none' so you could turn the timers off, you cant change them to 'none' anymore
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- IMback!
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- HappyHarry
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- PhracturedBlue
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Ahh...yeah that is a bug. I'll work on itHappyHarry wrote: re the switch for the timers in the standard mixer, you used to be able to switch between the current throttle channel (ch1 or ch3 depending on protocol) or 'none' so you could turn the timers off, you cant change them to 'none' anymore
Up to 4 wires, it is just a matter of adding a couple lines of code to support. I'm not sure I want to deal with users wiring their switches upside down, or swapping left and right, but the other combinations:IMback! wrote: Just a recomendation: I would love the option to have one extra 2pos switch and one 3pos switch. Also maybe a one for 3 2pos switches.
2x2+1x3, 3x2, 4x2, 1x2+1x3 are all easy to add
(each one requires ~6 lines of code). However, I'm not going to code them ahead of time. The problem is making sure you get the polarity right. Like right now, I am quite sure the 2x2 is still broken because noone has tried it. Once someone gives it a shot, it should only take a few minutes to get it working correctly.
Getting a document that clearly shows how to wire the various options would go a long way to making this a more popular option.
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- robca
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I just finished testing the build Happy Harry shared, and getting ready to start typing my findings, when I discover that not only Happy Harry found the same things I did, it has already been fixed (twice)... I'm useless here

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- ruzam
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How are the extra switches configured in the bigger Devos? Can the 'extra' 7E switches (or for that matter the stock switches) be mapped to the same menu items?
Porting model.ini files (and documenting them) might be easier if the same switch 'functions' were in common between different transmitters. For example the new hardware.ini file tells the code not only what switches the transmitter has but how they are mapped as well (every transmitter model would have it's own hardware.ini). The 7E switches would be mapped to a very small subset of the larger pool. The Devo12s would, by default, be mapped to every switch (cause it has em). If your transmitter doesn't have that particular switch, the .ini would work as if the switch were set to a default (static) setting (maybe it does that now?). The menus would continue to show 'all' switches (maybe with an * or something to indicate missing switches) and allow entering mixes with the missing switches.
Maybe I'm just talking too much...
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- blackmoon
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PhracturedBlue wrote: Getting a document that clearly shows how to wire the various options would go a long way to making this a more popular option.
Agreed, wiring should be standardized to avoid mistakes and headaches.
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- kreidler
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I do not have a 7e on hand yet. But if hardware.ini is set to 2x2 with installed 3x1 switch testing should be possible due to same wiring:PhracturedBlue wrote: Like right now, I am quite sure the 2x2 is still broken because noone has tried it. Once someone gives it a shot, it should only take a few minutes to get it working correctly.
SW A0 = -100 SW A1 = +100
SW B0 = -100 SW B1 = +100
While in middle position the same value for SWA and SWB should be present.
Just for my understanding for 2x2 and 3x1 it does not matter if diodes are installed or not. Correct?
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- HappyHarry
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kreidler wrote: I do not have a 7e on hand yet. But if hardware.ini is set to 2x2 with installed 3x1 switch testing should be possible due to same wiring:
SW A0 = -100 SW A1 = +100
SW B0 = -100 SW B1 = +100
While in middle position the same value for SWA and SWB should be present.
Just for my understanding for 2x2 and 3x1 it does not matter if diodes are installed or not. Correct?
this is how i understand it also, and the diodes are required for all of the switch mods
PhracturedBlue wrote: Getting a document that clearly shows how to wire the various options would go a long way to making this a more popular option.
i can certainly take good pics of my 3x1 wiring and again once i hook up the second 3 way switch which will cover the 3x2 wiring, but i believe robca is already working on a howto for the switch mods?
to save people building their own 7e version i have attached a build of the latest commits to this post
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- including custom-switch support in Deviation