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  • belrik
  • belrik's Avatar
29 Jul 2022 15:10
Replied by belrik on topic expressLRS


Category: Protocol Development

Apologies for cluttering the eLRS thread.... But it's fairly quiet. The AG01 minis are working great! On the T8SGv2 they fit into the same gimbal mounts and the plugs are the same. However, the corners of the module bay must be cut to fit the deeper gimbals in. This requires removing material around 10mm into the module bay floor and walls for the length of the gimbal. Doesn't affect the security of the module and if the module is present you won't get dirt in there. The modification is not visible with a module attached in normal use.

On a sad note I cannot find a way to use a momentary switch in a 2-switch arming sequence and today I bumped the radio and cut my fingers when a quad started in my hand. Gimbals feel great, I just want a way to put arming on a 2-pos plus pressing a trim switch at the same time for safety.

tonh wrote: Isn't that a complex aux channel where you'd set 3 mixers..

page 01 (eg: sw H0) mux=replace fixed scale= -100 src=none
page 02 (eg:sw H1) mux=replace fixed scale=100 src=none
page 03 (eg:sw G0) mux=replace fixed scale= -100 src=none

If I'm not mistaken.. this way, to have this aus channel to go to 100 you must have SW H up and SW G0 up (not down) as well... but this would not work if sw g0 was momentary... and.. I would never use this for arming because now I've got 2 switches that accidentally allow disarming..
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way to do it though..

But maybe I'm misreading your question. ;-)

Let us know if the ag01minis work!! (but maybe not in the elrs subthread.. )

  • Bangdc
  • Bangdc's Avatar
29 Jul 2022 11:08
Replied by Bangdc on topic WLToys Q303

WLToys Q303

Category: Protocol Development

goebish wrote: We know for sure they are fake nrf24l01 because auto acknowledge doesn't work, see this comment on hackaday:

nrf24l01 protocols using 250 kbps bitrate:
HiSky (3ch ground protocol only)
MJXq (E010)
mt99xx (i6S)
KN (optional)
SymaX (X5)
V202 (optional)

That doesn't mean that neither of those protocols will work with a 4-in-1, looks like bitrate is not the only factor ...

So you mean any fake Nrf24L01+ chip will not able to use Auto Ack?
  • Bangdc
  • Bangdc's Avatar
27 Jul 2022 03:58 - 27 Jul 2022 03:59
Question XN297L as transmitter and NRF24L01 as RX was created by Bangdc

Question XN297L as transmitter and NRF24L01 as RX

Category: Protocol Development

Hi All,
I have a toy drone's TX, which using XN297Lbw RF chip as transmitter. By using logic analyzer with Sigrok , I found this TX config as follows:
- EN_AA (Auto ACK) register as "1"
- TX address: 0x6D, 0x6A, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77
- Bind CH: 0x36
- Payload size: 16
With above information and using arduino + module XN297Lbw, I can communicate with this TX (Bind and receive joystick data)
But when I use NRF24L01 RF chip as RX and xn297_scramble to set for tx,rx address, I can not communicate with TX.
static const uint8_t xn297_scramble[] = {
	0xe3, 0xb1, 0x4b, 0xea, 0x85, 0xbc, 0xe5, 0x66,
	0x0d, 0xae, 0x8c, 0x88, 0x12, 0x69, 0xee, 0x1f,
	0xc7, 0x62, 0x97, 0xd5, 0x0b, 0x79, 0xca, 0xcc

static void nrf24_set_xn297_address( uint8_t * addr )
	uint8_t rxaddr[ 6 ] = { 0x2a };
	crc_addr = 0xb5d2;
	for ( int i = 5; i > 0; --i ) {
		rxaddr[ i ] = addr[ i - 1 ] ^ xn297_scramble[ 5 - i ];
		if ( crc_en ) {
			crc_addr = CRC16_UPDATE( crc_addr, rxaddr[ i ] );

	// write rx address
	rx_writeregs( rxaddr, sizeof( rxaddr ) );
	// write tx address
	rxaddr[ 0 ] = 0x30;
	rx_writeregs( rxaddr, sizeof( rxaddr ) );

void rx_init()
#define XN_TO_TX B00000010
#define XN_TO_RX B00000011
#define XN_POWER B00000001 | ( ( TX_POWER & 7 ) << 3 )
	rx_writereg( SETUP_AW, 3 );   // address size (5 bytes)
	static int rxaddr[ 5 ] = { /*0x2a,*/ 0x6D, 0x6A, 0x77, 0x77, 0x77 };
	// static int rxaddr[ 5 ] = { /*0x2a,*/ 0x55, 0x0f, 0x71, 0x77, 0x77 };
	//rx_writeregs( rxaddr, sizeof( rxaddr ) );
	// rx_writetxaddress(rxaddr);
	// rx_writerxaddress(rxaddr);
	nrf24_set_xn297_address( (uint8_t*)rxaddr );

	rx_writereg( EN_AA, 1 );      // aa enable
	rx_writereg( EN_RXADDR, 1 );  // pipe 0 only
	rx_writereg( RF_SETUP, XN_POWER );    // power / data rate / lna
	rx_writereg( RX_PW_P0, PAYLOAD_SIZE );  // payload size
	rx_writereg( SETUP_RETR, 0 ); // no retransmissions (redundant?)
	rx_writereg( SETUP_AW, 3 );   // address size (5 bytes)
	rx_command( FLUSH_RX );
	rx_writereg( RF_CH, BIND_CH );      // bind on channel 0
	debugln("Read RF_CH: 0x%x", rx_readreg(RF_CH));

	rx_writereg( 0x1d, B00111000 );   // 64 bit payload, software ce
	// static uint8_t cehigh_regs[ 2 ] = { 0xFD, 0 }; // internal CE high command, 0 also required
	// rx_writeregs( cehigh_regs, sizeof( cehigh_regs ) );

	rx_writereg( 0, XN_TO_RX );   // power up, crc enabled, rx mode

	int rxcheck = rx_readreg( 0x0f ); // rx address pipe 5
	// should be 0xc6
	extern void failloop( int );
	if ( rxcheck != 0xc6 ) {
		failloop( 3 );

If I config EN_AA reg as "0" and use address to xn297 preamble " 0x55, 0x0f, 0x71" I can receive bind package, but as I understand , TX use Auto Ack to detect that RX (drone) already received bind package and go to data mode. If EN_AA set to 0, TX will not able to know ack from RX.

I hope someone can help me to found a solution for this.
Thank you for your attention.
  • hexfet
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22 Jul 2022 21:22
Replied by hexfet on topic Traxxas


Category: Protocol Development

I've never seen one, but that's what the protocol is written with. I ported to deviation thinking I was getting a Traxxas but it fell through so I have no way to test.

Test build is e86a5e4 .
  • daxio
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22 Jul 2022 18:46
Replied by daxio on topic Traxxas


Category: Protocol Development

What's the rf chip on the rx ? cyrf6936 ?
  • daxio
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22 Jul 2022 14:04 - 23 Jul 2022 12:26
Replied by daxio on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

Deviation for Devo F4?

Category: Development

Managed to get Model 2 working with J6PRO which is great, but if I switch the TX off with anything but model 1 as the current model the TX will not switch back on - black screen. I have to copy devo.fs across again.


Yes it is not the models it is the protocol - the transmitter will only switch on if the current model uses devo protocol.

Any fix for that? :whistle:


Problem not solved but detoured. Found a Winbond 2MB flash chip (25Q16) in a very old D-Link DSL modem (320b v D2) last night .. soldered it in this morning after watching a few videos on soldering SOICs. Unbelievably it works. No more devo.fs problems everything saving and loading fine - DSM for my Spektrum stuff and JPro for an old nine eagles 6-ch RX. I haven't any working DEVO models currently - Ladybird V2 not syncing even before Deviation.

I couldn't copy the system files across using a Mac though - kept getting protocol mismatch on start up and no bind options. I guess because they are binaries maybe. The Java deviation uploader worked but had to format the disk and copy files with a PC.
  • daxio
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22 Jul 2022 12:56
Replied by daxio on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

Deviation for Devo F4?

Category: Development

I found it at GitHub the URL has changed but it is still there under DeviationTX drivers / filesystem
  • daxio
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22 Jul 2022 12:55 - 22 Jul 2022 12:59
Replied by daxio on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

Deviation for Devo F4?

Category: Development

I just managed to do all this on a Mac - I had already tried copying devo.fs from the GUI without success - not enough space. So I then tried everything from zsh shell.

So uploaded the dfu with the java script uploader.
Unpacked devo.fs with and python 2.7
python ~/ --fs devo.fs --dir devofs -x
after making a devofs directory in the unzipped deviation-devof4-v5 folder and backing up devo.fs as devo.fs.dist
Edited some of the ini files with vi, changed mode and removed 5 models that I do not need currently
Repacked with
python ~/ -f devo.fs -d devofs -c
Connected TX and checked volume name with mount
Copied the new filesystem file
cp devo.fs /Volumes/DEVOFS
Restarted TX .. and amazingly it seems to have worked.

I have a throttle calibration error but I think it has worked.

  • daxio
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22 Jul 2022 08:40
Replied by daxio on topic Deviation for Devo F4?

Deviation for Devo F4?

Category: Development

tl;dr - is there a latest script available anywhere?

New here - trying to configure an F4 to work with DSM2, J6Pro and WK2801 receivers to run FPV in cars and little planes - I am guessing increasing the flash memory is the way forward ..

However I have had some success with devoFS 64kb

My first attempts at editing the ini files on a PC keep leading to semi-garbled file systems on the F4

I am also trying to edit and install the fs from a Mac - I feel more comfortable with shell editing in vi - but cannot find the script anywhere? Is there one available from the current buildfs.exe and latest v5 dfu ?
  • Javisil83$
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15 Jul 2022 22:52
Replied by Javisil83$ on topic Traxxas


Category: Protocol Development

Anyway you can help me bind my jumper t- lite with my Traxxas rx, it's the micro 3 channel, it acts like it's gonna bind then starts blinking red
  • KUEH
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15 Jul 2022 01:06
Replied by KUEH on topic Devo 10 - Blade Nano S3

Devo 10 - Blade Nano S3

Category: Model Configs

Hi I've been trying to get telemetry to work with the S3 however when I set telemetry to "On" in the ini file it does not bind correctly. The heli starts twitching uncontrollably and the tail rotor spins randomly. Once I set telemetry to "Off" everything is fine.

I'm wanting to have telemetry on so I can see the heli voltage. Any idea what the problem is?

  • vlad_vy
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29 Jun 2022 16:35
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Devo 10 upgrade

Devo 10 upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Most likely you damage firmware files. You need UPGRADE firmware, not upload. Download fresh firmware and repeat with UPGRADE button.
  • Greenput
  • Greenput's Avatar
28 Jun 2022 01:36
Devo 10 upgrade was created by Greenput

Devo 10 upgrade

Category: Tutorials

Hi there I'm new on the forum, I used DFUSE upload firmware, config and library, but since my Devo as freeze and I get at the screen programe update and chinese characters. What I did wrong and what I should do to comeback as I was before.

Thank for your help
  • djtrance
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14 Jun 2022 05:45
Replied by djtrance on topic Is Development Dead for Deviationtx ?

Is Development Dead for Deviationtx ?

Category: Development

hi, Im back from a long time without develop for deviations. I have not to much time to work on it. but I will try to fix and add some fixed to some protocols for now. I will extract the protocol information of the
DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module project.
I really didn't protocols code before for deviation. I helped to develop de devof7 screen and other stuff.
for start working on it , I will try to add F949G subprotols. because I had a receiver for test it.
I hope someone else wanted to help me .
  • tonh
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13 Jun 2022 07:36 - 13 Jun 2022 07:47
Replied by tonh on topic expressLRS


Category: Protocol Development

Isn't that a complex aux channel where you'd set 3 mixers..

page 01 (eg: sw H0) mux=replace fixed scale= -100 src=none
page 02 (eg:sw H1) mux=replace fixed scale=100 src=none
page 03 (eg:sw G0) mux=replace fixed scale= -100 src=none

If I'm not mistaken.. this way, to have this aus channel to go to 100 you must have SW H up and SW G0 up (not down) as well... but this would not work if sw g0 was momentary... and.. I would never use this for arming because now I've got 2 switches that accidentally allow disarming..
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a way to do it though..

But maybe I'm misreading your question. ;-)

Let us know if the ag01minis work!! (but maybe not in the elrs subthread.. )
  • McMullet
  • McMullet's Avatar
12 Jun 2022 19:30
Replied by McMullet on topic Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Category: Feedback & Questions

Not that I've been able to find sadly. I also have a selection of Tx and Rx to use but it's annoying that this one combination doesn't work (got 2 Devos and probably 3-4 Lemons!).

This is the post on RC Groups for interest:
  • Overner
  • Overner's Avatar
12 Jun 2022 10:45
Replied by Overner on topic Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Category: Feedback & Questions

I saw your post but assumed a fix would have been available by now .. No problem, I have other Trannies I can use so it won't go to waste .. Thanks anyway ..
  • belrik
  • belrik's Avatar
12 Jun 2022 09:11 - 12 Jun 2022 09:12
Replied by belrik on topic expressLRS


Category: Protocol Development

Like this but purely on the radio side, so looking for something like logical switches on OpenTX. In otx I use one edge trigger logical switch to record when SH goes high and one trim switch is also held, then I put a sticky logical switch on that until SH is set low.
Any equivalent in DeviationTX?
  • tonh
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12 Jun 2022 05:42
Replied by tonh on topic expressLRS


Category: Protocol Development

belrik wrote: Anyone here using 2-switch arming on DeviationTX? I was thinking of using one of the trim switches plus the H switch to arm, then H to disarm. I've tried setting up a virtual channel but cannot emulate an OpenTX "sticky" logical switch in DeviationTX. Normally I can use the 2 switches to arm and then it's "sticky" until I toggle disarm - this allows for the use of something like the trim switches that are only momentary. I just need to tap the trim when I arm to avoid hitting the arm switch, but the arm switch disarms by itself.

Hoping there are some smart people out there - adding the AG01 mini gimbals to my T8SGv2 today and really want to continue using DeviationTX :)

I use pre arm and arm? Is that what you’re after? But just using the left 2 pos on the back. ( I’ve planned to swap it for a momentary one .. )
  • McMullet
  • McMullet's Avatar
12 Jun 2022 00:26
Replied by McMullet on topic Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Lemon Rx 6 channel DSMP Receiver not binding to 7E

Category: Feedback & Questions

I had a very similar issue. From the RC Groups LemonRx support thread I gather that the newer Lemons have a different chip that is incompatible with the Devo 7e. I posted on here about it about 2 years ago but no one else seems to have the same problem.

I have found OrangeRx DSMX still work fine.
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