My first experience utilizing the advanced mixer

31 Jan 2014 23:48 - 01 Feb 2014 00:04 #19539 by Tom Z
I am done with the model for you to try out.
I also assigned the switch icons and put in my custom GUI which will work on all these transmitters: DEVO 6/6S/7e/8/8S/10/12/12S.

You have ELEV servo reversed so I left it that way as I assume it needed to be reversed.

Before you lift off check all the servo directions. Lift off with the MIX switch on position "0" which is the setting the manual said to use.
If the tail spins or doesn't hold use the MIX switch on position "1" or "2"
which has much more gyro gain.

Gyro Gain - These are the values I used then converted them to the deviation values.

Mix Switch

Pos 0: 25% (This is what the manual listed to use even though it sounds very low)

Pos 1: 50%

Pos 2: 75%

TX Power=100mW

Stick Mode 2

No Fixed ID


Here are the settings I added to your model.


Adjust D/R and EXPO to your personal preference.

Switch Position

0- ELEV D/R = 50% EXP +30%

0- AILE D/R = 50% EXP +30%


Switch Position

1- ELEV D/R = 70% EXP +30%

1- AILE D/R = 70% EXP +30%


I used the exact pitch curves and throttle curves the manual listed.
Same with the gyro value which is on the Mix Switch Pos 0. I made Switch Pos 1 & 2 higher values as you will probably need them. There 25% sounds too low.

Throttle Hold is active on RUDD D/R switch

Rename the model name to model23 or any model number you have free.
Last edit: 01 Feb 2014 00:04 by Tom Z.

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01 Feb 2014 03:20 #19542 by ave1
Thank you as always, Tom. I have just returned from a very long day and am anxious to try this out. Your custom GUI? I am hoping to study what you did and hopefully learn deviation, advanced GUI.I have planes also and will need to know what to do next time. At this time, I am lost and I am certain many here find it very simple. I need to get to that point and with your and everyone's assistance, I plan too.

Thank you again will let you know as soon as I can.

Best regards always. Again, for all you do for me,


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01 Feb 2014 04:39 - 01 Feb 2014 04:54 #19544 by Tom Z
Your welcome, I'm glad to help you out.

The manual is not very good. It doesn't list the Reverse Settings, Swash Type, or DR/EXPO settings.

Let me know if the servos worked correctly or if you had to reverse any.
I think you tested the model you posted for servo direction and they were all correct which you had to reverse ELE on Channel 2.
Also what MIX Switch position(s) for Gyro gain worked best for you.

If the model works good I will add it to my list of models so people can use it. If any changes need to be made I will make them before I post the model.

EDIT: The Nine Eagles Solo Pro 180 3D post on Rcgroups says to Reverse Channel 1 ALIE and Channel 4 Rudder. If they are correct here is the a model with ALIE and Rudder reversed.
Last edit: 01 Feb 2014 04:54 by Tom Z.

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01 Feb 2014 05:16 #19547 by ave1
this, thee above w/ rudder reverse, etc. is the ini. I loaded. The Ail and ELE are not right.I wish I could tell you more. the swash movement is not correct

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01 Feb 2014 05:19 #19548 by Tom Z
Did you also try the model I posted in post #19539

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01 Feb 2014 05:20 #19549 by ave1
It Flies. I knew at least how to change ch order and did that and next reverse servo dir on ele and aile. What does copy do?

Can I try to give it more pitch?


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01 Feb 2014 05:21 #19550 by ave1
Oh ya, no throttle hold. I might can do that also

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01 Feb 2014 05:29 #19551 by Tom Z
I assigned Throttle Hold to the RUDD D/R switch. Throttle hold is when you switch up to RUD DR1.


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01 Feb 2014 05:31 #19552 by ave1
It flies nicely, thank you. YOu know I am trying to learn and so I made some changes but these were simple ones for me to make, I wish I knew what you knew and could do this myself

You are the best. Thank you. it flies!!! :) I will try all three renditions you sent and let you know. Oh ya, I wouldn't buy a 180 BTW, the V120D02s and others really are better heli's.

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01 Feb 2014 05:32 #19553 by Tom Z
So you got it flying? This means you got the servo directions corrected and the tail is holding. What Gyro setting are you using on the MIX switch?

The only issue is the Throttle Hold is not working?

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01 Feb 2014 05:37 #19554 by sbstnp
Tom, maybe you should document the process for 1 channel then post it along with screenshots. This way you would teach a man to fish :)

Devo 10 + 4in1
Spektrum Dx9
FrSky Taranis + TBS Crossfire

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01 Feb 2014 05:37 #19555 by ave1
The TH was/is working. I did not expect it to work but on the TH switch on the 12S. Sorry. Yes, I made simple changes but I wish to know it all. How to do this on my own, the few changes I made were very simple ones. To write the whole thing is what I want..
Thanks to you, it flies!!

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01 Feb 2014 05:43 #19556 by Tom Z
Your welcome.

Just to clear up some confusion. Which model is fully working for you?
The first model I posted model23TomZV1 or the second model I posted model23TomZV2 or the model you posted model252.ini

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01 Feb 2014 05:49 #19557 by Tom Z

sbstnp wrote: Tom, maybe you should document the process for 1 channel then post it along with screenshots. This way you would teach a man to fish :)

I am thinking of making some How to videos to cover some basic things in
the advanced mixer.

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01 Feb 2014 05:50 #19558 by ave1
I sent it to you in 19552

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01 Feb 2014 05:52 #19559 by ave1
19544 was the model I edited, sorry for the confusion...tired

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01 Feb 2014 06:00 #19560 by Tom Z
OK, I will add that model to my models list sticky so other people can use it also.

You can see what I did in the model file which will help you understand some things.
Downloading and looking at other peoples models help me learn a lot.

I'm glad you got the helicopter flying!!!
The helicopter looks nice. It looks like the Walkera V120D02S V2 which I have and like a lot.

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01 Feb 2014 06:10 #19561 by Tom Z

ave1 wrote: 19544 was the model I edited, sorry for the confusion...tired

No problem. The model you posted in post 19552 (model23.ini) is the model you are flying and is working well so I will add it to my models list.

Keep me updated when you fly more and let me know what Gyro setting is working the best for you and what changes you make that work better for you.

Thanks for all the information. It helped me make the model for you and now others can also use it. I will list the model was made by you and I.

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01 Feb 2014 06:12 #19562 by ave1
you can and I thank you for your gracious nature but you did this. I was unsuccessful and am really bothered by it all. But I am studying it. Anyway, "Copy to" usages means? And to change ch order I just moved them in the list. But copy to?

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01 Feb 2014 06:14 #19563 by ave1
Oh ya sure, put my name so, when they crash, they come hunt me down, I see.


Smile you!

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