Ultimate 7e-256k builds

08 Dec 2016 21:54 #56689 by victzh
Replied by victzh on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
@HappyHarry - yes, I remember this. And as not totally inexperienced person with regards to users, I can tell it myself.

But, for every problem there are two solutions - technical and organizational. We tried organizational - don't build it in the regular nightlies at all.
Now is the turn to try technical - detect that the processor is inadequate and give user a diagnostics. Redirect them to a regular build.

What happens if you upload 256 build to a regular Devo 7E? Does it succeed at all?

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09 Dec 2016 02:43 #56693 by Richard96816
Replied by Richard96816 on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Thanks for adding U7E to the list. Makes doing the upgrade feel a little more reasonable.

Plan to upgrade soon.

I have a backup unit, so will still be able to fly while upgrading. :-)

Having it on the list will make the numbers grow more quickly. And with experience and
feedback it will probably become easier too.


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09 Dec 2016 13:17 #56705 by FDR
Replied by FDR on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
The mixup is guaranteed, since the two filenames in the today's nightlies look like these:

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09 Dec 2016 16:17 - 09 Dec 2016 19:50 #56715 by HappyHarry
Replied by HappyHarry on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

victzh wrote: @HappyHarry - yes, I remember this. And as not totally inexperienced person with regards to users, I can tell it myself.

But, for every problem there are two solutions - technical and organizational. We tried organizational - don't build it in the regular nightlies at all.
Now is the turn to try technical - detect that the processor is inadequate and give user a diagnostics. Redirect them to a regular build.

What happens if you upload 256 build to a regular Devo 7E? Does it succeed at all?

yeah you can only do so much to protect people from themselves lol

i've never tried myself but if i remember most said that walkera dfuse refused to write the file due to filesize/filespace issues, but it was a while ago since i last had any pm's (and i no longer have a stock 7e as all 3 have been upgraded so i can't check) but i do know that all that was required was to flash a normal 7e firmware to get the tx functional again

i have updated the first post letting people know that the u7e builds are now in the nightlies, i've also added that those who still require u7e builds with the voice mod code added should post in this thread asking for one, when requested i'll build and post it, i offer this still as the voice mod code hasn't been put forward in a pull request to the main repo yet. i thought i'd best repeat the offer here too as many who have been following the thread wont read the first post again
Last edit: 09 Dec 2016 19:50 by HappyHarry.

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09 Dec 2016 16:46 #56717 by bianchifan
Replied by bianchifan on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

victzh wrote: Can you try this build? www.deviationtx.com/media/kunena/attachments/98/devo7e-256.zip

THX very much..I'm just downloading !
I'll test it later, maybe tomorrow

victzh wrote: And to fix your build environment, better use docker image. Docker is the only supported now way of building Deviation because of reproducibility.

In silpstream's "build-wiki" I read the very first time about docker.
When checking the reqirements..Win 10, never ever
Win 7 sucks for lack of space and being tooo complicated, my Virtual box is needed for Android OpenStreetMap Design/Genymotion
Just even took a look at the Ubuntu version, I didn't found some ready stuff for my distru, so IIUC I have to compile from scratch.

Please excuse me, I do not like 1001 different environments, my goal is to put all development stuff under eclipse and fuck all other.

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19 May 2018 15:21 #69323 by dark_psycho
Replied by dark_psycho on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

HappyHarry wrote: Ultimate 7e-256 builds are finally available in the nightly builds so there is no need for custom builds any longer 8) :woohoo: though the voice mod isn't yet accepted into the main repo so if anyone requires builds including those until it is please post in this thread to let me know and i'll put one up

do not try to install these builds on a stock devo7e, these builds are only intended for 7e's that have had the main processor replaced with an upgraded version that has more internal flash memory and as such are too large to fit the stock 7e

this thread is being posted to have builds readily available for the ultimate7e, which is the devo7e with an updated mcu to give us more storage space that PB developed, the thread with details of it's origins is here >>

In search of the ultimate 7e

Also slipstream has created really nice howto pages on the mcu swap, the links to those are here >>

7e processor upgrade

and pb has made building the files for deviation very easy by creating docker images that contain the complete build system, details here >>

docker images for building deviation

but for those people with a pc/laptop that has no support for virtualisation or only has a 32bit cpu i will post the builds here so everyone has access to them. so with that said you will find the builds in the test builds area here >>

test builds

there you will find the deviation 5.0.0 build for the ult7e, the files you are looking for will be preceded with my name so for instance the 5.0.0 build will look like this '[HappyHarry]Ultimate7e Deviation5.0.0 (1)'

Updated 3rd of December 2016
I've updated the build, the latest is [HappyHarry]Ultimate7e-deviation5-0-0-cca3757 3rd December . i have also uploaded a copy of the ultimate7e emulator for building models and testing on the pc and also 2 builds that add the extended audio code, one build mcu driven and the other trainer port driven.

as always if you find any bugs post them on the bugtracker here >>

Deviation Bug Tracker

posting any bugs you find is a good thing, it gives users like myself who don't have the coding knowledge to contribute the chance to help out the guys doing the actual heavy lifting 8)

so with that said enjoy your rc adventures and your new ultimate7e :)

thanks for your efforts
where can I find the source code for it?
i need to build it, then add some feature/function. since cpu has more rom space ,we can add more code.

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23 May 2018 11:30 #69374 by Moeder
Replied by Moeder on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

It has been added to the main repository and nightlies for quite a while...

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05 Jun 2019 12:54 #74455 by yets
Replied by yets on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Hi, I attempted to join the 256k crew after following the comprehensive write up on slipstream.com. Everything looked to go well apart from a slightly lifted pad which was dealt with. However, after updating the bootloader and firmware, the ENT, UP and Down button fail to work. I've checked hardware, all seems working, tried multiple FWs after erasing chip. No shorts, no shorts when powering on for the first time. Is there anything else I can look at before trying another chip?

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05 Jun 2019 13:54 #74456 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
If you do also have a swiches mod on you U7E, I would first disconnect check all diodes if not reversed and or diodes may be not the right type, as the pins are shared in a matrix.

Otherwise I would either double check your cpu solderings.
with using a flux, you could quite easily do a drag methot over the pins and reflow them.

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05 Jun 2019 17:33 #74457 by yets
Replied by yets on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
That was on the list of things to try, disconnected all switches and still have the problem.

I'll give the solder another going over. Hopefully it'll work

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05 Jun 2019 19:28 #74459 by yets
Replied by yets on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

Fernandez wrote: Otherwise I would either double check your cpu solderings.
with using a flux, you could quite easily do a drag methot over the pins and reflow them.

I've been making FCs for the last few months and working with these packages and smaller ones, whenever something is wrong it's the first thing you do with the chips; re-flow the solder. Your suggestion did the trick. Thanks. D'oh! Guess I'm part of the club :)

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05 Jun 2019 21:30 - 05 Jun 2019 21:31 #74460 by Fernandez
Replied by Fernandez on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Good to hear, I like my u7e.

I have added the 2pots and use 6x 2way switches and 2x 3way switches.
My U7E has usb charging and protection circuit, 2x 18650 parallel and run a Polulo 3v3 step up down/module to power the radio with 3v3. (removed the stock 3v3 regulator)
Last edit: 05 Jun 2019 21:31 by Fernandez.

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05 Jun 2019 23:57 #74461 by yets
Replied by yets on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Yes, I'll hopefully be doing the pots and 4x3 switches this weekend. Wanted to add more functionality to the limited Devo.

Can I ask about your 18650 powering? Do you have instructions? I hazard a guess that you're using TP4056 to charge and protect? I use a Polulo too after your recommendation, forgot that I had removed the original regulator, took me a while to figure out why the newly installed MCU wouldn't go into DFU!

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07 Dec 2019 14:36 #75543 by ethr
Replied by ethr on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Hello from Bulgaria! I have the cc2500 module and nrf, also did the range mod. 2 3way switches..and recently I saw the Ultimate 7e. Now I have been reading all that I found and I bought the chip. Just want to be sure, that I undarstand everything, correct. First I should solder the chip, then I must do the bootloader with stlink, and the last part isn't very clear to me. Should I use docker or I can just load, for example [HappyHarry]Ultimate7e Deviation5.0.0-cca3757 3rd December (4), from test builds section? Regards :)

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07 Dec 2019 15:23 #75545 by vlad_vy
Replied by vlad_vy on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
You can flash any "devo7e-256" build.

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07 Dec 2019 15:29 #75546 by ethr
Replied by ethr on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Awesome, thanks for the quick reply :))

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09 Dec 2019 17:27 #75551 by ethr
Replied by ethr on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
And which Build should I choose? I have tried the last ones from the nightlies, but they did not seem to work. Also that 3rd december, but I think that somethings wrong with the controlls. I have frsky xsr receiver(I want telemetry), and I use the nrf module to controll my silverware e011c. Which is the right build for me? Thanks again:)

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13 Dec 2019 21:07 #75578 by ethr
Replied by ethr on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds

vlad_vy wrote: Try one from:




My bad, [HappyHarry]Ultimate7e Deviation5.0.0-cca3757 3rd December, seems to be working realy nice, I forgot to calibrate the sticks. I will try these builds too:)

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14 Feb 2020 23:15 - 14 Feb 2020 23:17 #75922 by gittaimi
Replied by gittaimi on topic Ultimate 7e-256k builds
Hi all,
Could you help me? I will make this upgrade, but i m a noob to programming. I will use my R9m module, and i will integrate it, but I saw just out-powered version yet. Can someone make a custom version? The processor haves non used pins. One fo this pins can someone programming to an enable pin? When pxx protokoll selected then this pin turn on? I will powered my module with a realpit board.
Last edit: 14 Feb 2020 23:17 by gittaimi.

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